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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Safe & Sound

We have arrived in Seoul. The flight was great but we didn't get to sleep until the last three hours (James wouldn't allow it) He was only cranky for about an hour because he was so tired and not one poop yet. We landed @ 5:10 pm Korean time which is 3:10 am CT time so we are 14 hours ahead of you guys back home. We would've gotten to the hotel by 7 if someone didn't stand in the wrong bus line. I'm not saying who it was but it rhymes with Timmy. :)
So I cashed in $400 and got 432,400 Won. I feel rich but NOT. 28000 Won for the bus here. 25000 Won for the internet for 24 hours, 60000 Won for room service.
Tommorow we go to find the adoption agency so we know where were going on Monday morning.