Now that I have a little time to reflect on last weeks arrival of Anthony, I wanted to share a little something that happened when we were getting Anthony for good from his foster family. It was a lot harder than it was with James because Anthony wasn't feeling well when we showed up. We go to the seventh floor meeting room with ourselves, the foster family, the kids, and our social worker where we proceed to ask questions about how Anthony was feeling and the medications that were prescibed for him. There was some confusion about when he was taking the medicine, when his next dose should be taken, when his next feeding was and so on. It was mostly because of the language barrier and we didn't think our questions were getting interpetted or answered to our liking. I think at this point you might be able to imagine our hearts were beating out of our chest. We were about to take this child, our son Anthony, to our hotel, away from the people who he had been raised by and loved for the passed year, he was sick, and we didn't know what to do next. A lot of tears were shed and I think they were at a point where they knew we were not comfortable. Anthony's foster mother took him back down to the doctors to get him looked at again for diarreha and a bad diaper rash. So now it was myself, Rachael, James, and a different social worker who was trying her best to console Rachael, who was visibly upset, in the room alone. This is when our 2 1/2 year old son James took matters into his own hands, grabbed his mother by the hand, and said "pray". We all grabbed each others hands, including the social workers, we raise our hands and say "Amen" and then clap. It's a little something we do as a family at dinner when we say a prayer. We looked at each other and were just amazed at the timing of it. It was the perfect moment. This room was full of toys that James was playing with, yet for some reason he stopped playing, and knew exactly what was needed at a time of very high tensions. It was something that we'll never forget. It helped calm us down and we were able to relax a little more, get through the meeting, and goodbyes. We believe in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer, and I'm pretty sure our 2 1/2 year old does too. :)
Anthony is doing well, feeling much better, and starting to get familiar with us and the house.