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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas is coming

We took James for some photos at the Milford Mall last week and we introduced him to a guy named Santa. He is not a big fan! We tried to get him to take a picture but there was no way it was happening. I hope Santa understands.

We also want to update everyone on China. It has not changed much. The CCAA has sent out referrals for those logged in up to 2/23/06 and as many of you know our log in date is May 31, 2006. It sounds like its right around the corner but last year at this time they had just gotten into January 2006 which means they didn't even complete 2 full months in one year. We feel that if they stay at this pace we will not receive a referral until mid 2010. On the bright side we have James to keep us busy. :)