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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In loving memory of Aunt Connie

We ask you all to pray for Rachael's Aunt Connie who passed away suddenly on 8/21/09. She will be missed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Facebook | James Grabowski: Anthony Jooahn Grabowski

Facebook James Grabowski: Anthony Jooahn Grabowski

Anthony Jooahn Grabowski

Rachael and I would like to announce that we have been blessed again with our second son. James has a little (BIG) brother. Anthony Jooahn Grabowski. He was born on October 4, 2008 and weighed in @ 7.3 lbs. He is now 10 months old and weighs 23 lbs. It is truly a blessing and very exciting. We will most likely be leaving in January.

I will post some pictures soon.... if your on Facebook look us up.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

North End Juniors All Star Team

Andrew's North End Juniors All Star team won the CT championship last week but were unable to advance in the eastern regionals this weekend in New Jersey. I just want to congratulate Andrew and his team on their accomplishment and let him know how proud we are of him. Be proud of what you've done!